Kochana społeczności, drodzy terapeuci, droga Pani Doktor i Pani Profesor,
chciałam wszystkim tak podziękować, że mogłam z Wami i z Państwem spędzić te dwa i pół miesiąca. Chcę podziękować Pani Doktor i Pani Profesor za stworzenie takiego ośrodka, który naprawdę pomógł i mi i wielu różnym osobom. Za tworzenie tak cudownej przestrzeni do rozwijania się i za udostępnienie nam narzędzi do tego. Za to, że gdyby nie Panie, nie byłoby mnie tutaj. Chcę podziękować terapeutom za to jaką drogę mogłam dzięki Państwu przejść i jak dzięki Państwu zajęciom, powoli z dnia na dzień stawałam się lepszym człowiekiem. Za to, że czułam się zaopiekowana i że wiedziałam, że zawsze mogę przyjść, jeśli tylko będę potrzebowała wsparcia i rozmowy. Chcę podziękować Paniom Pielęgniarkom za codzienne opiekowanie się nami i dbanie o nasze bezpieczeństwo. Pani Tamarze za słuchanie wszystkich naszych próśb i dbanie o wszystkie nasze potrzeby. Chcę bardzo podziękować pani Sylwii za ciepło i troskę jaką nas Pani otacza i za to jakiego wsparcia nam Pani udziela.
Dear community, dear therapists, dear Doctor and Professor, I would like to thank everyone for allowing me to spend these two and a half months with you. I want to thank the Doctor and the Professor for creating such a center that really helped me and many different people. For creating such a wonderful space to grow and for giving us the tools to do so. For the fact that if it weren’t for the Lord, I wouldn’t be here. I want to thank the therapists for the path I was able to follow thanks to you and how, thanks to your classes, I slowly became a better person day by day. For making me feel cared for and knowing that I could always come if I needed support and conversation. I want to thank the nurses for taking care of us every day and ensuring our safety. Mrs. Tamara for listening to all our requests and taking care of all our needs. I would like to thank Mrs. Sylwia very much for the warmth and care you surround us with and for the support you provide us. First of all, I wanted to thank the entire community. It is thanks to you that I really felt at home here and thanks to you I became so attached to this place. I was at the exit of over 20 people, and even though the group had changed twice since I came here, I always felt equally good here and liked everyone who was here just as much. It’s wonderful to see the path people go through and how life comes back to them. I remember meeting xxx (we do not provide names for patient privacy reasons) 10 weeks ago. You are a completely different person now and I’m so glad we were able to go through so much together. I have also been watching like xxx for a long time he fights every day and you can see how every day he gets one step closer to victory. I didn’t think I would grow attached to xxx and xxx as my roommates so quickly. I want to thank you all once again and I will miss you very much, because for the last 10 weeks you have been my home. I came here without the strength to fight, doubting whether I would be able to recover from the disease, and I leave more aware than ever, feeling ready to fight and overcome difficulties and believing that it will really get better. Thank you again