Dear local government, dear community, I want to thank you all today. For creating a place where I could heal, feel comfortable and safe, at home. I would like to thank Mrs. Mariola very much for conducting individual therapies with me, during which I really got to know myself for the first time, understood and realized many important things. I would like to thank Mr. Krzysztof for the concerts on Sundays, ukulele lessons and the very nice Map of Emotions and Music Therapy, during which I felt it was easy for me to open up. Mrs. Ewelina, Sandra and Jowita for extremely helpful and well-conducted therapies. I have never met better therapists. Mrs. Tamara for taking care of our needs (especially for the flavored inki and fork). And of course, my beloved Mrs. Sylwia, who takes care not only of the center, but also of the patients. You are a super warm and nice person. Thank you for taking care of us. A very important role was also played by the helpful, warm, caring and loved Community, without which there was no way my treatment could have started at all. It is especially thanks to you that I managed to move forward and not stop. I feel the change that has taken place in me with my entire being. I am finally myself from head to toe. I have never felt like this, and now I know that I am finding myself. Before I came here, I was unsure of myself, closed in myself, and now I know how to express my feelings, that I need to talk about them and my own needs. After all, I’m not afraid to express myself or stand my ground in some situations. I’m very happy that I managed to get here and I’m glad that Gedeon exists to help people like me. Without this place, without a caring community, without great therapists, without ukulele lessons, I don’t know if I would know how to be myself. Now I feel ready to live the way I want.