Dr n. med. Anna Sarol-Kulka

Dr n. med. Anna Sarol-Kulka

Psychiatrist, sexologist, psychotherapist, psychodramatist.


Call +48 22 104 77 22

She holds a Certificate of Psychotherapist of the Polish Psychiatric Association, a Certificate of

Clinical Sexologist of the Polish Sexological Association, a Certificate of Psychodrama Therapist of the European Psychodrama Institute.

In the years 1982-2022 she worked at the Clinic of Neuroses, Personality Disorders and Eating Disorders of the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw, where she has been the head of the Day Ward since 2004. She has conducted several research programs. She is the author of numerous scientific publications in psychiatry and sexology.

Patient opinions.

Patient opinions.

The best proof of effectiveness.


For the first time in my life I felt that I didn't have to pretend and cover everything with a smile, that I could take off the mask, show my fragile side, which would be accepted and cared for.


I realized that even though it can be hard sometimes, there is hope for me somewhere and it is worth striving for.


Despite doubts, bitterness, lack of a sense of purpose, irritation and anger, I would like to say that it passes. And in its place there is gratitude, a sense of warmth and kindness.
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