mgr Ewelina Gleń

mgr Ewelina Gleń

Dietitian, Psychodietitian


Call 22 104 77 22

I am a certified dietitian, a graduate of the Medical University of Katowice

and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. 

I also completed postgraduate studies in Psychodietetics at the Warsaw School of Social Psychology and pedagogical training. Additionally, I am a court expert in the field of dietetics and psychodietetics. I have the title of a specialist friendly to insulin-resistant people with the SOIT- School of Insulinresistance Therapy certificate. I also obtained the title of a specialist friendly to children.

I specialize in the nutritional treatment of patients with eating disorders and food selectivity. I am constantly expanding my knowledge by participating in conferences and training.

At Gedeon Medica, I provide dietary and psychodietetic consultations for patients with eating disorders. I support them in the process of regaining a healthy relationship with food.

Patient opinions.

Patient opinions.

The best proof of effectiveness.


For the first time in my life I felt that I didn't have to pretend and cover everything with a smile, that I could take off the mask, show my fragile side, which would be accepted and cared for.


I realized that even though it can be hard sometimes, there is hope for me somewhere and it is worth striving for.


Despite doubts, bitterness, lack of a sense of purpose, irritation and anger, I would like to say that it passes. And in its place there is gratitude, a sense of warmth and kindness.
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